Entanglement / 2018
Wood, fabric, sponge, rainbow lights

Entanglement / 2018
Presented by The Duddell’s
The Day the Gods Stop Laughing
Curated by Yuan Fuca
An amorphous waterfall symbolises the constant flow of emotion and subconsciousness. Two identical pieces, symmetrically placed, subtly evoking a sacred altar space. A connection of multiple worlds. A mortal life in a dream and a dream of a mortal life.
At Duddell's, surrounded by ethereal mirrored glass from the two side walls of the open-plan rooms, the diners and drinkers sitting in that area barely see a vague vision behind it. Their reflections and the space behind the glass blend into one dimension, as if in a double-exposure photograph. As in Zhuangzi's butterfly dream, this paradoxical dimension allows subjects to feel that they are mingling in real and unreal situations. Whereas ‘over the rainbow’ and ‘through the looking glass’ both mean entering a dream world, these filmic codes appeared many times in Kubrick’s movie Eyes Wide Shut to present a dream states.
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